A Little More About Claire:
Claire was born and raised in Northern England and has been practicing various canine therapies in the United States since 2007.
She was certified as a human massage therapist and worked treating humans at a spa for over 12 years. She became comfortable creating friendly relationships with clients and developed her caring nature for people.
In 2004 Claire and her husband Mark made the epic journey to explore the world (and due to Mark’s job transfer!). They moved to America with their 4 year old Saint Bernard, Amber, and began exploring the west coast.
Sadly Amber passed away in 2006 due to bloat (GDV) at 5.5 years old. While this was an incredibly difficult time there was a bright spot: a new friend who assisted with Amber’s care was in the process of building a new pool in her back yard to help her own Newfoundland dogs swim and rehabilitate. Claire found this compelling and a little seed was planted.
Shortly thereafter Mark and Claire relocated to Seattle where Claire found the Northwest School for Animal Massage and quickly registered for classes. Her career working with animals was born.
In 2009, after much searching for another Saint Bernard, finally Noah came along. He became the ambassador for Claire’s pool work – and the inspiration for her logo and company name – and he loved everyone he met, often showing fearful dogs the way in the water with his gentle spirit. Noah went on to teach Claire the importance of nutrition and the holistic approach to veterinary care, broadening her knowledge and contacts in the animal community. Noah also helped them welcome new Saint Bernard puppy Timber who joined their pack in 2019.
Jumping ahead to 2020, this most challenging year for so many of us: Claire and Mark lost their beloved Noah at almost 11yrs old, which is an achievement for the giant breeds! But regardless of the milestone time is never enough, we always want more.
As so many of you will agree: the loss of a beloved dog is all consuming. But within the heart break there is always a tiny crack waiting for another fur ball to wiggle their way in. Timber has been that, for us. He allows joy to appear on days when you so need it.
So now after 13 years of doing canine hydrotherapy – and being blessed with meeting so many amazing clients in this community – Claire is pleased to offer her services at Kokoro Dog in Woodinville, WA.
Claire McLaughlin